Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lab 6 Blog Post: COLOR!

Even though this is highest JPG quality, there are still visual differences in the quality of the web and the printed version.  The printed version has neat and clean color fill versus the grainy look of the jpg version of this map.  The background fill of the neat line looks slightly different and not as constant in the printed versions (probably due to the quality of the printer).  Most of the colors remain the same, but the lightest color appears slightly darker in print (making it more visually different from white and more pinkish).  The darkest color is also slightly darker in print as well.  Finally, the legend labels are still visible in the printed version unlike this web version that is harder to read.   Perhaps to improve the quality of the web map, I would try out different formatting and perhaps increasing the lightest color and making the most dark color slightly lighter.  

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